You are here: 4. Point of Sale > POS Transaction Processing

POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing

The POINT OF SALE menu options allow users to process POS transactions for cash, non-account and account customers, and to process laybys. During the sales process, users can access all item and customer details as required.

At the start of each day (or shift), the Beginning of Day process needs to be performed to set the initial till balance. At day's end, an End of Day process is done to close all the registers and print the appropriate sales and banking reports.

For cash sales, you must have a customer account setup as CASH and established in your Debtor master file. If you are operating POS in a multi-location environment, each location may have a separate CASH account by establishing an account for each location suffixed by the location number, e.g. CASH03=Location 3.

Non-inventory items can also be sold in POS. Non-inventory items require you to enter a description, cost and sale price at the time of the sale.

For account customers, there are three types of transactions:

All combinations are handled and a docket is produced for each transaction type.

Non-account customers can be added using the POS transaction screen. Various user-defined delivery methods can be selected for items being sold and, depending on the delivery method and stock on hand quantities, a supplier purchase order is produced. For items not being picked up immediately, a customer order confirmation is also printed.

POS automatically rounds cash sales to the nearest 5 cents for you.